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What's Included in the Set

Top 6 Essential Oils


  • Key Benefits: Enhances mood, relieves stress, boosts confidence.
  • Ideal Use: During emotional lows, for motivation, in uplifting perfume blends.


  • Key Benefits: Calms emotions, uplifts mood, adds warmth.
  • Ideal Use: Relaxing aromatherapy, creating a cozy home atmosphere, sweet scent blending.


  • Key Benefits: Relaxes the mind, aids in sleep, reduces anxiety.
  • Ideal Use: Before bedtime, relaxing massages, soothing skin irritations.

Tea Tree

  • Key Benefits: Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, improves skin issues.
  • Ideal Use: Skincare, antibacterial treatments, scalp care.


  • Key Benefits: Refreshes mind, relieves headaches, improves digestion.
  • Ideal Use: When feeling fatigued, soothing headaches, supporting digestive health.


  • Key Benefits: Eases depression, soothes emotions, moisturizes skin.
  • Ideal Use: Skincare, emotional healing, fragrance blending.